Call for Abstracts, Surgical Films, & International Session Submissions
SGO encourages all medical professionals who are part of the women's cancer care team to submit original research for peer-review by the 2020 Annual Meeting Program Committee.
Abstracts, surgical films, and international session submissions are selected on the basis of scientific merit and are allocated to Scientific Plenaries, Education Forums, Featured Poster or Poster Presentations through a blinded peer review process. The Program Committee reserves the right to select the most appropriate forum for Presentation.
Abstract Submission

Each Abstract Submission must clearly identify the following:
Objectives: an introductory sentence indicating the purpose of the study
Methods: a brief description of pertinent experimental procedures, including statistical evaluation where appropriate
Results: a summary of the NEW, UNPUBLISHED DATA
Conclusions: a statement of the conclusions
Please note: The character count limit of 2,000 does not include your abstract title, author string, allotted tables or graphs.
The Sunday, September 22, 2019 submission deadline has passed.
Surgical Film Submission

Surgical Film submissions must include a YouTube link and will be be evaluated based on educational content and audio/visual quality. All films must also meet the following requirements:
- Films cannot exceed 10 minutes in duration.
- Films must include sound.
- Films must be at regular speed.
- Films may not be biased to one product.
Please click here for instructions on uploading your Surgical Film submission. Please contact, if you have questions on the submission requirements.
If your surgical film is accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting, you are not required to make a presentation with your film onsite. The surgical films will be available throughout the meeting for viewing, on-demand, at a kiosk with a monitor.
The Sunday, September 22, 2019 submission deadline has passed.
International Session Submissions

SGO defines international abstracts as abstracts concerned with the care of women with gynecologic malignancies outside the United States and Canada.
Each international session submissions must clearly identify the following:
Objectives: an introductory sentence indicating the purpose of the study
Methods: a brief description of pertinent experimental procedures, including statistical evaluation where appropriate
Results: a summary of the NEW, UNPUBLISHED DATA
Conclusions: a statement of the conclusions
Please note: The character count limit of 2,000 does not include your international session submissions title, author string, allotted tables or graphs.
The Tuesday, November 5, 2019 submission deadline has passed.