Working to Eradicate Gynecologic Cancers

Suk-Joon Chang, MD

Associate Professor
Ajou University Hospital
Dept. of OB/GYN
San 5. Woncheon-Dong, Yongtong-Gu
Suwon South Korea

Biographical Sketch:
Prognostic significance of systematic lymphadenectomy as part of primary debulking surgery in patients with advanced ovarian cancer. Chang SJ, Bristow RE, Ryu HS. Gynecol Oncol. 2012 Sep;126(3):381-6. A model for prediction of parametrial involvement and feasibility of less radical resection of parametrium in patients with FIGO stage IB1 cervical cancer. Chang SJ, Bristow RE, Ryu HS. Gynecol Oncol. 2012 Jul;126(1):82-6."

168 Catastrophic intraperitoneal recurrence in patients with early cervical cancer treated with laparoscopic/robotic radical hysterectomy 260 Transvaginal ultrasound-guided biopsy of adnexal masses as a useful diagnostic alternative replacing cytology or laparoscopy in advanced ovarian cancer patients 313 Ultrasound-guided intranodal lymphangiography with embolization: a novel technique to treat chylous ascites after retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy in gynecologic cancer 342 Different patterns of tumor size and serum SCC antigen level for prediction of parametrial invasion in pre- and post-menopausal patients with FIGO stage IB cervical cancer