Working to Eradicate Gynecologic Cancers

Andrew Berchuck, MD

Duke University Medical Center
Dept. of OB/GYN
Box 3079 DUMC
Durham, NC
USA 27710

Biographical Sketch:
Dr Berchuck has 25 years experience in translational ovarian cancer molecular research and is the head of the steering committee of the ovarian cancer association consortium, which performed this research. Dr. Berchuck is director of the Duke University Division of Gynecologic Oncology."

126 - Featured Poster A prospective study of the preferences of women with ovarian cancer 242 - Poster Session A Inhibition of HIF1a promotes paclitaxel efficacy in CD133+ ovarian carcinoma cells 295 - Poster Session A Curated Ovarian Database-derived identification of genes predicting survival in primary serous epithelial ovarian cancer Debate: Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (Pro)