Jerome Leslie Belinson, MD
Section Gyn. Onc.
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Dept. of OB/GYN
2762 Fairmount
Biographical Sketch: Professor of surgery Lerner College of Medicine, former Department Chairman Cleveland Clinic. Founder and President of Preventive Oncology International, Inc. I have done population based clinical trials in China for the past 15 years. In 2010 I received the highest award China bestows on a Foreigner, 'The Friendship Award'. Our work has included more than 60,000 women, led to a cervical cancer consortium covering all provinces of China, and generated >80 manuscripts, trained fellows/students"
33 - Featured Poster
Triage of women with negative cytology and positive high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing: an analysis of data from the SHENCCAST (Shenzhen Cervical Cancer Screening Program) II/III studies
37 - Scientific Plenary
Development and validation of a new HPV genotyping assay based on next generation sequencing
40 - Scientific Plenary
Mexican Cervical Cancer Screening Study II (MECCS II): 6-month and 2-year follow-up
403 - Poster Session B
A population-based comparison of human papillomavirus (HPV) distribution and cervical lesions in China
407 - Poster Session B
Barriers to cervical cancer screening in victims of intimate partner violence: a Gynecologic Oncology Fellows Research Network study