Karen Hsieh Lu, MD
Chair and Professor of Gynecologic Oncology, J. Taylor Wharton Distinguished Chair
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Gynecologic Oncology and Reproductive Medicine
UTMDACC-Unit 1362
PO Box 301439
9 - Focused Plenary
Omentin: a potential tumor suppressor in the microenvironment associated with visceral obesity
69 - Featured Poster
Launching personalized surgical therapy for advanced ovarian cancer
108 - Scientific Plenary
Cost analysis comparing universal tumor testing to clinically based criteria in the evaluation of endometrial adenocarcinomas for Lynch syndrome
188 - Poster Session A
A new Lynch syndrome: what is the role for polymerase D1 mutations in hereditary endometrial cancer?
293 - Poster Session A
Serum omentin concentration is a potential biomarker for complex atypical hyperplasia and endometrioid endometrial cancer
298 - Poster Session A
PARP therapy for the genetically unstable: a preclinical evaluation of PARP inhibitors in the treatment of MSI-H endometrial tumors
313 - Poster Session A
Is rad/let/met more than just a catchy name? A preclinical evaluation of everolimus, letrozole, and metformin in recurrent endometrial cancer
388 - Poster Session B
CGRRF1 as a novel biomarker of tissue response to metformin in the context of obesity
439 - Poster Session B
Predicting everolimus/letrozole treatment efficacy in patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer: a biomarker study
528 - Poster Session B
BRCA mutation status is not associated with diminished ovarian reserve among women at high risk for ovarian cancer