Working to Eradicate Gynecologic Cancers

Rachel Marie Clark, MD

fellow in gynecologic oncology
Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard University
4 Longfellow Place Apt 2703
Boston, MA
USA 02114

Biographical Sketch:
I have completed a 4 year residency program in obstetrics and gynecology at the Brigham and Women's/Massachusetts General Residency, followed by my current fellowship in gynecologic Oncology at the Massachusetts General Hospital. I have several peer reviewed papers and have presented at both national (SGI) and International conferences (ISSTD, Global Health Symposium in India). I have pursued novel research on paraneoplastic disease and am in the process of publishing this work."

80 - Featured Poster Dose delay, but not dose reduction, in chemotherapy administration is associated with decreased survival in elderly women with ovarian cancer 225 - Poster Session A Primary debulking surgery in stage IIIC and IV ovarian cancer results in improved survival compared to those undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy with interval cytoreduction 249 - Poster Session A Risk of second primary breast cancer among women with epithelial ovarian cancer compared to fallopian tube cancer 327 - Poster Session A Prognostic factors of lymph node involvement in endometrioid endometrial cancer: a SEER analysis 387 - Poster Session B Management and outcomes for elderly women with vulvar cancer over time 410 - Poster Session B Management of advanced epithelial ovarian cancer in the elderly