Working to Eradicate Gynecologic Cancers

William M. Burke, MD

Assistant Clinical Professor
Columbia University
Dept. of OB/GYN
280 Riverside Drive
Aparment 8B
New York, NY
USA 10025

Biographical Sketch:
I am currently an Assistant Professor at Columbia University and the Director of Gynecologic Oncology at Valley Hospital in Paramus, New Jersey. I have published on robotic surgery and gynecologic oncology in the past and consider it a major are of my professional interest"

13 - Focused Plenary Comparative effectiveness of radical hysterectomy in elderly women with cervical cancer 205 - Poster Session A Use and duration of chemotherapy and its impact on survival in early-stage ovarian cancer 517 - Poster Session B Surveillance Testing in Women Following a Diagnosis of Early-Stage Endometrial Cancer