Working to Eradicate Gynecologic Cancers

Robert E. Bristow, MD

Professor and Division Director
University of California, Irvine
101 The City Dr. S
Bldg 56, Rm 800
Irvine, CA
USA 92868

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Bristow holds the Philip J. DiSaia Prestigious Chair and is Professor and Director of Gynecologic Oncology at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine and Medical Center. Dr. Bristow’s clinical and research interests include cytoreductive surgery for advanced-stage and recurrent ovarian cancer, health care outcomes, and patterns of gynecologic cancer care. He is an academic gynecologic oncologist and has been extensively published in the peer-reviewed literature on the topic of ovarian cancer outcomes. He has previously presented plenary sessions at the SGO Annual Meeting including the Hugh Barber Lecture."

1 - Scientific Plenary Spatial analysis of geographic location and adherence to treatment guidelines for advanced-stage ovarian cancer: impact of race and socioeconomic status 67 - Featured Poster Short-term morbidity and mortality associated with cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for recurrent/advanced-stage ovarian cancer 89 - Featured Poster Characteristics of high-volume gynecologic cancer centers – framework toward centers of excellence: a National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) study 92 - Featured Poster Human papillomavirus vaccination within a Southern California integrated healthcare system demonstrates disparities in adherence rates among males and females compared to national reports 107 - Scientific Plenary Hospital readmission (30-day) following surgery for advanced-stage ovarian cancer: analysis of risk factors and cost using the SEER-Medicare database 177 - Poster Session A Evaluating an adnexal mass using a multivariate index assay and imaging 186 - Poster Session A Gynecologic oncology fellow perspectives on research and career development symposia: a Gynecologic Oncology Fellows' and Allied Health Professionals' Research Network (GOFRN) survey study 227 - Poster Session A Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in the treatment of ovarian, fallopian tube, and peritoneal cancer: an analysis of recurrence patterns and survival 345 - Poster Session B Socioeconomic status and health insurance as predictors of access to high-volume hospital care for women with early-stage ovarian cancer 383 - Poster Session B Socioeconomic status as a predictor of adherence to treatment guidelines for early-stage ovarian cancer 392 - Poster Session B Impact of race, socioeconomic status, and the healthcare system on the treatment of advanced-stage ovarian cancer in California 420 - Poster Session B Geographic disparities in cancer care: is optimizing the distribution of the gynecologic oncology workforce the answer? A Gynecologic Oncology Fellows Research Network study